Stock Photos

A question I am often asked is where to get stock photos? When looking for photos and images there are a lot of stock photo sources available. Some of these are free, but as one would expect the free options will generally have less available, be of inferior quality, require a copyright notice applied to…

CPanel Email

For those of you who use us for hosting, or use cPanel with another provider, you have may have noticed some changes. Not long back cPanel upgraded to version 11.34, and with this came a variety of enhancements. If you are not familiar with cPanel it allows website owners can easily manage their email accounts,…

Online Security Tips

Online security is important!  I have been Online since the WEB was first available, and rarely a day goes by where someone hasn’t tried to compromise my business website, Spam my blog, or seek to acquire personal information from some form of social engineering attack. Many of my clients send me emails they receive and…