Email & Newsletter Marketing

Newsletter & Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the most cost-effective marketing strategies for small businesses since it allows you to reach a global audience, it’s easy to share, easy to measure, you are able to segment groups to deliver targeted messages, and you’re reaching an already engaged audience. A good email campaign will help you build credibility…

Facebook for business

Facebook Pages for Business

A Facebook page for businesses allows a business to share information and interact with visitors without having them connected to a personal account.  Business pages increase awareness of your business (for free) and if you desire you can advertise on your page as well. A Facebook page for business includes business information, posting, messaging, and…

Hosting Server Scripts

Hosting Server Up to Par

While most hosting servers will have the necessary provisions to ensure that modern scripts can be executed without issue, every once in a while I come across a client who has a hosting account that doesn’t have the basics needed to process dynamic scripts. In some cases a client will choose hosting that is provided…

Stock Photography

Stock Photography

When building a website it is important to have quality images that are representative.  While there are free stock photo sources, if you need images then I would suggest browsing the many commercial stock photography sites available since they will have a much larger selection, better quality, and will include varied image size and resolution…

Review Websites

Top User Review Websites

Small businesses face lots of scrutiny by potential clients, and marketing has shown than over 80% of people will search independent review sites instead of the company’s provided reviews.  It’s important for both small businesses and larger companies to monitor the website ranking, online reviews, and comments from social media users and consumers.  What we…

Google SEO ranking factors

Google SEO Ranking Factors

Google SEO ranking factors are known to change from time to time, and it’s not always easy to know what is factored and how.  Yet that being said, as of 2019 the known factors that will influence your website ranking follow, ordered by their importance.  This information was curated from highly credible sources, and includes…

Google Analytics screen on large tablet

Ranking in the Search Engines

I recently received an email question from a WordPress user (David), asking what is needed to rank well in the search engines. David had created his own site using one of the free WordPress themes available using GoDaddy’s WordPress hosting. The important thing to understand is that the search optimization needs of the business/organization should…