Social, Social, Social

I have to admit that I have become a little tired of how demanding the “social” call has been for all those with a website.  Sure, I know it’s important, but upon reflection is seems that “Social” is taking over the Internet.  I liken the social changes to the many body-snatcher Sci Fi movies I’ve…

The New Twitter API

If you’ve had a Twitter feed in your website or blog you will likely have noted that the Twitter API no longer functions.  On June 11, 2013 Twitter retired version 1 of their API which provided, among other things, the “Recent Tweets” feed commonly found on websites.  You can view the Twitter developer page for…

Getting Client Reviews

A business that gets a lot of positive reviews will have a significant advantage over a business that doesn’t.  This advantage comes about since most review sites are highly ranked and trafficked so having a link on them is great both for SEO value and company exposure; and maybe most importantly, studies have noted that…

The SEO Roller Coaster

Once the first search engines started ranking pages there came about a competition of sorts to rank at the top. If a business wanted to ensure that their website was ranked well they would utilize a variety of search engine optimization techniques, otherwise know as SEO.  Initially the techniques used were all about keyword stacking. …

Bing Places for Business

Not long back Bing changed the name of the “Bing Business Portal” to “Bing Places for Business”, and a while before that Bing removed the “review” part of their “Places” listings.  For this reason you may think that there is little reason to create a listing with them (beyond the standard URL submit) but from…

Yahoo Local Listing (Reviews)

UPDATE: Yahoo Small Business will no longer be providing their own reviews, or their small business marketing dashboard.  The review part of their site is now importing Yelp reviews, and when I visited their page I found this notice: Coming soon! Yahoo Small Business is becoming Luminate from Aabaco Small Business.  Considering that Yahoo has…

SEO – The Big Cup

The one aspect of web design that most clients are interested in is SEO.  Since Google recently updated their search engine algorithm I wanted to include one more post to highlight those SEO practices that are of most importance.  So in short, this is my “SEO Big Cup” post which I hope will be of…

Penguin Update and SEO

Not long back I wrote a post about the Google Penguin 2.0 update and how this is linked to Google+; seeing how this update just came into effect I spent some time doing a bit of additional research — especially important to me since I noted that my own site (which has a well established…