Sitemaps for SEO

A question I am periodically asked is do I need a site-map for my website, and if so, how to create and manage site-maps?  The question of whether one needs a site-map or not is both “yes and no”.  If you don’t use a site-map the search engines will still index your pages over time. …

URL Naming

URL Naming Overview One of the primary considerations of search engine optimization is to ensure that the principle aspects of a web page are named effectively, which ideally will help achieve a good web page relevancy rank.  If you’ve read my other posts you will have noted I talk a lot about the importance of…

Top Website Ranking

Of the development requests we receive, most express an interest in improving their web presence and site ranking. I am writing this blog post since experience has shown that most people don’t understand what is required for a website’s ranking improvement.  If the competition is high in your industry your website will need 3 things…

Google Enhanced AdWords

Google recently noted that they would be doing automatic conversion of AdWords accounts to their “enhanced” campaign accounts.  The enhanced conversion will happen to all accounts in the middle of 2013, yet  became available for advertisers who wish to upgrade early in the middle of February.  As for the look, visually it has the same…